10/13/2023, 12:00 PM

Optimising your router placement: What interferes with your WiFi?

Are you wondering why your Alexa keeps cutting out or stopping halfway through your concert in the shower? The answer might be to do with the placement of your router. That’s right, the location of your router actually has a huge impact on your broadband speed and the overall reliability of your internet connection.  

What could be stopping your router from running smoothly? 

One of the most common misconceptions is that placing your router right next to your TV will improve Wi-Fi performance. Sure, it may be convenient, but your TV interferes with the Wi-Fi signal in your home. You may think placing your router next to your TV will reduce buffering when you’re streaming shows, but this really isn’t the case.  

It may be a surprise to you that some of the devices you are using on a daily basis could actually be the root cause of sluggish internet. Baby monitors, speakers, cameras, doorbells, microwaves, and electric stoves are just a few examples of things that could be causing interference. With that being said, your kitchen might be the heart of your home, but it's not the ideal location for your router.  

It may seem fishy, but placing your router near tanks or reflective surfaces can also weaken your internet signal. Placing your router near the window or in the corner of your home may seem like a default option, but it could lead to weaker Wi-Fi signals in your home. Oh, and the same applies to hiding away your router in the cupboard – it might seem like a practical place, but it’s one of the common set-backs to getting the most out of your connection.  

So, if you want to avoid a war zone of slow internet, it's best to give your router some breathing room and keep it away from other electronics. A happy router means happy streaming, gaming, and browsing for all.  

Where to place your router for the best WiFi performance? 

We’ve covered the many things that could be sabotaging your Wi-Fi performance, but now it’s time to reveal the secret of ideal router placement. So, where should you place it to ensure that your gaming and streaming sessions run super smoothly?  

The answer is simple: put it in the centre of your home. By placing your router in a central location, you'll ensure that your internet signal reaches every corner of your home and you won't be losing any coverage! Elevating your router off the ground might sound like a silly thing to do, but it’s actually crucial for improved internet performance. By putting it on a shelf for instance, you're giving it the power to spread its signal far and wide. Plus, it's harder for people or pets to accidentally knock it over. It's a win-win situation!  

Had enough of your sluggish internet?

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