10/22/2023, 11:00 PM

Unscramble the Jargon and Become a Jargon Busting Wizard with Lit Fibre! 

Ever felt a bit overwhelmed and confused by internet jargon? Thought fibre was something you found in your breakfast cereal? Or got stuck trying to work out what a megabyte is and how many you might need to video call your gran? Wouldn’t it be great to be in control of your internet connection and understand exactly what you’re paying for?  

We totally get that some of these tech words can be a bit of a headache. But, at Lit Fibre, we don't want confusing jargon to hold you back from getting the internet you deserve! We know that there’s way too many tech words being thrown around when it comes to broadband. So, that’s exactly why we’re blowing away jargon from the internet, one step at a time.  

Say goodbye to Googling jargon for good

Our Jargon Buster search engine can put an end to your Googling sessions trying to find a down-to-earth explanation. Instead, use our search tool, type in your jargon, and watch the definitions unscramble. No-nonsense, nice, and easy – just the way internet should be. And, if you find yourself searching away for tech jargon that’s not on our system yet, our amazing team will get back to you with a definition.

Cut through the jargon and be a Jargon Busting Wizard

Once you've busted some jargon, you can test your new-found knowledge with our Jargon Busting quiz and see if you’ve got the skills to become a Jargon Buster Wizard.

Experience the difference with Lit Fibre

Lit Fibre isn’t just your usual internet provider – we’re all about “internet done properly”. To us, that means that we won’t be blinding you with confusing tech jargon, but instead, we'll focus on giving you a seamless and human-focused experience. We're here to give you back control of your connection, help you get the internet you deserve, and make your full-fibre experience enjoyable every step of the way. 

Are you ready to take charge of your internet connection?

Click here to take part in our Jargon Buster and experience hassle-free full-fibre.

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