12/15/2023, 11:00 AM

Multi device streaming without the Lag!

Multi device streaming without the Lag!

With more and more devices now needing an internet connection to help your day-to-day life run smoothly, we understand how important it is to have a connection that keeps up with smartphones, computers, watches or any other smart device, reducing downtime and lag is essential to your house running smoothly.


The way people watch TV is changing! Live TV still very much has its place in the world and things like big sporting events bring most of the country around a screen somewhere at the same time. However people’s lives are busy and most people now prefer to fit their favourite show in when suits them. Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sky Go etc are mainstays in many homes across the UK. The next step for many people is to unbundle that expensive TV & Internet package and focus on great value and reliable internet that supports your new way of consuming content. You can read more on unbundling by clicking here.


It’s not for everyone, but recent studies have show nearly 60% of people in the UK are gamers. And that doesn’t mean everyone is jumping into the latest season of Fortnite, Fifa, Call of Duty or Minecraft. Mobile games like Candy Crush, Roblox and even modern versions of Monopoly have exploded in popularity in the last decade. Our aim here at Lit is to make sure your internet connection helps you on your journey to the top of the leaderboards!

Smart devices

When we talk smart devices, our first thought is to think of our phones! And of course, this has become the centre of our world, with phones now managing so many aspects of everyday life. However, as technology moves forward, it’s not just our phones connected to the internet. Connectivity has now stretched out to our kitchen appliances, heating systems, lights and some even have an app that runs them a perfect temperature bath! With so many things now relying on a fast and reliable connection.

Working from home

One of the biggest changes in recent years has been the increasing amount of people that work from home. However there is nothing worse than having frozen video calls while trying to pitch your next idea or if you're in an important teams or zoom call. Who wants to become the next office meme?

The full-fibre difference

Not only can full-fibre offer your home ultrafast speeds but makes it possible to stream, work and play all at the same time! Time to get to the top of the leaderboard on your favourite game and make those frozen video calls a thing of the past. Check here to see if your home is ready for an internet upgrade.

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