
Top tips for staying safe online

The internet is great - but there are some bad guys out there who want to ruin it for all of us.

Here are our top tips for staying safe online:

Use your Lit Fibre hub

Burglars like to smash windows or break doors to steal your stuff. Cybercriminals prefer to sneak in through your internet connection.

Your Lit Fibre hub is a specially designed broadband router to keep the bad guys out. The firewall built into your shiny new router works as soon as your full-fibre connection goes live - so don't change too many of the security settings before speaking to our customer support team for advice.

Use antivirus

Computer viruses and malware are a serious headache. Some steal passwords and credit card information, others just mess up computers. Either way, you don't want them.

Installing antivirus on all your computers and mobile devices will keep the nasties out.

Trust your gut

Most online scams work because they trick us into doing something before we have properly thought about it. Have you received an email from your bank about a huge, unexpected charge? Or a demand for unpaid tax? STOP AND THINK!

Does your bank really send that type of emails? No, and neither does the tax man. Instead, they encourage you to visit the relevant website and log into your account to read a new message. They never, ever include personal details or encourage you to click a link 'now'.

If you ever receive an urgent message or notification take a moment to think about it (read the text carefully too - scammers are terrible at spelling). If something feels, wrong, it probably is.

Stay safe online

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